June & July grant deadlines now online
And a little goodbye to one of my Chief Canine Officers...
Hi all…finally emerging from a busy (and a little challenging) spring season….to that end, my apologies for the lapse in my posting monthly grant deadline lists.
In any event…catching up now, and wanted to let folks know that I have published my June and July grant deadline lists for your reading pleasure.
Some selected funding programs that might be of particular interest:
CC Arts Across Canada: Arts Festivals and Presenters (multi-year core operating funding) (2024 Deadline: June 12)
BC Gaming (Capital Projects Grants) (2024 deadlines - opens June 17, closes Aug 15)
FINAL INTAKE: CCA Strategic Innovation Fund: Cultivate Grants (June 19)
NEW: Vancouver Foundation: Community Prosperity Fund (Deadlines - opened May 24, closes June 24)
Vancouver Foundation: LEVEL BIPOC Grants (Deadline TBA; to open June 2024)
BC Touring Council: Into The Act (June 28)
BCAC Early Career Development (2024 deadlines TBA; 2023 deadline was June 30)
I will be writing a few detailed posts about some of these programs in the coming days/weeks, so you can watch for those. Also, check for updates on these monthly lists - as usual, not all deadlines are yet posted, and I expect updates from funders in the coming weeks.
And on a more personal note…
With breaking hearts, we said goodbye to our handsome Toby-boy on May 15th.
In the end, the kidney disease advanced to where we simply had to let him go. Toby was the strongest little dog we ever knew. His life was challenged by epilepsy, but he never let it get the better of him. And he took his medicines (so, so many) with grace and gentleness and resignation. And lived his life in a way that he never let that illness define who he was.
A beautiful big boy, handsomest smooth fox terrier we ever saw…he had a pure and sweet heart and soul (even through his signature grumbliness). We had many adventures together & he enjoyed all his new experiences, facing it all with boundless curiosity and zeal. And when he gained a sister in 2019, he endured her adoration of him, with patience…and we believe came to love her as well. And they became inseparable buddies in the end.
We believe he was meant to be a part of our family & we did our best to give him a life full of adventures and deep love. Steve and I and his adopted sister Winny will forever miss his pure and loving heart, his nobility and beautiful soul. 💔
It's tough saying good bye to a champion. Sounds like this one was full of days and loved. S