City of Vancouver Cultural Spaces Grant
Spring intake opens - initial Statement of Intent (SOI) deadline is Feb 21st
The City of Vancouver’s Cultural Spaces Grant funding program has recently opened (Jan 10) for its spring grant intake. This multi-component grant program offers a range of funding resources for Vancouver-based arts and cultural organizations, including:
Cultural Infrastructure Grants (CIG) (requires submitting an SOI): Matching Grants up to $250,000 for capital building-based projects including space planning and research; or acquisition (purchase), renovation, or expansion of an arts and cultural facility.
Small Grants for Cultural Spaces (requires submitting an SOI): Grants up to $25,000 for smaller cultural space projects including, for example: space planning, research, building improvements and accessibility upgrades; and mentorships between organizations, or mentorships between organizations and professionals, to support planning, knowledge sharing and capacity building with regards to cultural spaces.
Critical Assistance Grants (ongoing intake, subject to available funds): Grants up to $25,000 to support urgent building life-safety upgrades, and other critical time-sensitive support for cultural spaces including unforeseen and urgent replacement, repairs, hiring of code consultants for time-sensitive projects, permit fee assistance, and/or life-safety capital infrastructure projects, such as fire or water damage or compromised security perimeters. *Available year-round as funds allow. Please reach out to planners directly.
Affordable Spaces Grants (deadline: March 6): Grants up to $40,000 for facility operating costs for local non-profit space operators who provide subsidized affordable space for Vancouver-based artists and/or cultural organizations
Key Things To Know:
Grant applications are managed through a 2-level process:
contact City staff to gain access to the Statement of Intent (SOI) online form at least three weeks prior to application deadline date (by Jan 31) - Diane Blunt, Cultural Planner, 604-829-9307, OR Minna Schendlinger, Cultural Planner, 604-873-7211,
SOI Deadline is Feb 21, 2024 - only required for the Cultural Infrastructure Grants (CIG) and Small Grants for Cultural Spaces
Full application deadline is March 6, 2024 (Cultural Infrastructure Grants (CIG), Small Grants for Cultural Spaces & Affordable Spaces Grants)
Cultural Infrastructure Grants (CIG) component provides (matching) funding for: planning projects to support the acquisition or development of arts and cultural facilities (feasibility studies, demand or needs assessment, architectural plans, master planning, and capital campaign assessment); capital improvement or building-based projects to support the acquisition, renovation, expansion, and construction of arts and cultural facilities. Examples include:
• Upgrades or improvements that extend the life of—or increase the capacity or quality of—an existing facility; for example: accessibility improvements; electrical or plumbing upgrades for improved functionality, safety and/or comfort; sprung flooring; soundproofing; lighting grids; expansion of existing spaces; etc.
• Purchase of a new facility for arts and culture use; for example: down payment; costs associated with conversion of the facility to be purchased; independent valuation; closure costs; etc.
• Repairs, replacement, or installation of major systems that are essential to the operation of the facility and permanently integral to the cultural space; for example: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems; boiler systems; plumbing and electrical systems, etc.
Program Eligibility:
In order to apply for any Cultural Spaces Capital grant (for further program specific eligibility, see the bottom of this page) the organization will:
Be a registered Vancouver-based non-profit society or Co-operative in good standing with BC Registry Services*, a charitable organization, xʷməθkʷəyəm , Sḵwx̱wú7mesh or səlilwətaɬ First Nations Band Council or Urban Indigenous non-profit society, with an independent, active governing body composed of volunteers (e.g. a Board of Directors/Council); * please confirm standing through BC Online prior to submitting application
Have been operational for at least one full year and able to provide financial statements signed by the Board for the most recently completed fiscal year, including a Balance Sheet and Income/Expense Statement;
Have a clear arts and culture focus outlined in the organization’s vision, mission and mandate*. Funding is focused primarily on arts and culture spaces for creation/production, presentation, and performance, as well as supporting ancillary spaces that contribute to Culture|Shift’s directions, goals and actions, including Reconciliation with the xʷməθkʷəyəm, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, səlilwətaɬ and urban Indigenous peoples, cultural equity and accessibility'; * Board-approved documents must be supplied on request from Planners
Be committed to a respectful, equitable and accommodating workplace as demonstrated through your Human Resources values, principles, practices, and/or policies;
Be in good standing with any previous or current grant from the City of Vancouver. If your organization has defaulted on a previous grant, please include an explanation of that default and resolution of any outstanding issues;
Provide equitable access to a diverse public in practice and policy with Equity and Accessibility Planning Initiatives to address physical, cognitive, financial, linguistic, cultural, social, and geographic barriers to participation for audiences and key contributors. See glossary for definition of Equity and Accessibility Planning Initiatives.
If you are applying for funds for capital improvements and/or upgrades, please note these additional eligibility criteria. These are NOT required for planning projects:
Have infrastructure located within Vancouver City Limits or, in the case of xʷməθkʷəyəm, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, səlilwətaɬ, on their traditional lands within Vancouver;
Have a cultural space secured for a minimum of 18 months tenancy from time of application (it is recommended that the space is secured with long-term stable tenancy of 5 years or more, and for larger capital grants requests, a minimum of 10 years). Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but we focus on supporting long-term secure space for the cultural sector;
If your space is used for multiple functions and/or disciplines (e.g., community centre, cultural centre, etc.), demonstrate that 50% or greater use of the space is dedicated for arts and culture purposes.
Note: full Capital Grant component 2024 Guidelines can be found here.